Freelancing Isn’t as Glamorous as It Seems: Let’s Talk About The Real Challenges of Working for Yourself

Rakshita Upadhyay
5 min readAug 28, 2024
Image from freepik

Freelancing is often portrayed as the dream lifestyle — working from anywhere, being your own boss, and the freedom to choose your clients. But ask any freelancer, and they’ll likely tell you that the reality isn’t as hunky-dory as social media might make it seem. While there are undeniable perks, freelancing comes with challenges that can make even the most dedicated workers question their career choice.

Having been a freelancer for a while, there are several things that I’ve found frustrating about this path. Let’s dive into some of the real struggles freelancers face daily — the ones no one tells you about.

1. No Colleagues to Share the Load

One of the first things that hit you when freelancing is the sheer loneliness. You don’t have co-workers to lean on when things get stressful, and there’s no one to bounce ideas off of in real time.

When I used to work in an office, I’d often rely on team members to help carry the load during tight deadlines or brainstorm solutions when I hit a wall. Now, it’s all on me, all the time. If I’m struggling with a client project, I don’t have a colleague to call for help or even just to vent to.

