(onism means the feeling or awareness of the fact that no matter how hard someone tries to know all the secrets of the world, no one is going to be able to do that in a single lifetime. It is the bittersweet realization of the smallness of us and the enormity of the rest of the world which is beyond our exploration)
(onism means the feeling or awareness of the fact that no matter how hard someone tries to know all the secrets of the world, no one is going to be able to do that in a single lifetime. It is the bittersweet realization of the smallness of us and the enormity of the rest of the world which is beyond our exploration)
Humans don’t want to give up. Humans don’t want to be told what they ‘cannot’ do or experience. Sometimes, even knowing the limits is considered cowardly because most people think ‘there is nothing a human can’t do or know’.
Humans have come way too far, and humanity, as a whole, has developed so much and this sentence is incomplete without a ‘but’. At the same time, there are so many things left unknown and so many things left un-noticed. But this is at the group level, let us narrow down the funnel and see the individual perception.
Our lives are bound to space and time. The same 24 hours and the same 365 days limit every human being in different ways. Gaining knowledge is a great realization, but more importantly, realizing that one is not going to know-it-all is what makes all the difference.
Why is it so? Probably because we are trapped inside a single body that bounds us to be at one place at a time (except when we are dreaming, but we aren’t conscious at that time). This limitation makes us know only a handful of what exists and what needs to be recognized.
Perhaps knowing everything at the same time or in a single lifetime is not possible, but we can always look at the brighter side. This is to say, we can’t know everything but is it even worth it to know everything? We have a choice to deliberately choose the things we badly want to know. And these things ultimately shape us, and these are the things that make our world and who we ultimately are.