Sundays Are for “RESET”

Rakshita Upadhyay
3 min readSep 1, 2024

The hustle never seems to stop. Whether you’re an employee, a solopreneur, or a freelancer, there’s always another email to send, another task to complete, or another client to please. The grind can feel endless, and for many, the idea of taking a break seems almost counterproductive. “I’ll rest when I’m successful,” we tell ourselves, pushing harder each day until we’re teetering on the edge of burnout.

Picture of The Author

But here’s the truth: burnout isn’t a badge of honor, and the “I’ll work until I drop” mentality is a dangerous fad. To be truly successful and maintain a healthy, balanced life, taking a break isn’t just important — it’s essential. That’s why Sundays should be your day to reset, recharge, and reconnect with yourself and the world outside of work.

The Myth of Constant Hustle

We live in a culture that glorifies hustle. Social media is flooded with influencers and entrepreneurs boasting about their 24/7 work ethic, proudly proclaiming they don’t need sleep because they’re too busy chasing their dreams. But this narrative is not only misleading; it’s harmful.

The myth that you have to work non-stop to be successful is just that — a myth. True success comes from balance, from knowing when to push forward and when to step back and recharge.

Why Sundays Should Be Your Reset Day

